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Friday, August 20, 2010

First day =))

Well, today was my first day of nannying for Ethan, whose 1 and a half, and Jeremiah, whose 6 months. They are the cutest kids, but they are definitely hard work! Even though I did not take pictures today, I will tell a little about what happened on my first day! =)
I woke up at 630 which was really hard for me to do since I am used to waking up at 930!! Anyways, I got to their house at 730 am and the kids were still sleeping, but not for long! At around 740 they woke up, so I made breakfast for Ethan and gave Jeremiah a bottle. They were finally both happy so we watched Finding Nemo while eating breakfast. It was fun!
After the movie I packed up the diaper bag with snacks, lunch, baby food, bottles, lots of diapers, extra clothes and binkis and we were off to the playground! Im going to be completely honest....Ethan played for less time than it took the get to the playground! It was so hot and miserable for him and me to be out there! We decided to hit the pool and eat lunch! That was more like it!
After eating, I packed up and we left with Ethan, half asleep, saying bye bye pool and then crying to go back. (Too cute!) We got home and Ethan went right to bed. Jeremiah was wide awake from sleeping in the car on the way there and on the way back. After I got Jeremiah tired enough to sleep I got to clean up the house a little bit and get in about a 30 minute nap. NOT LONG ENOUGH!
When they both woke up we put The Princess and the Frog on and played catch. It was a really good day, but I do have to say that I will not be having kids ANY time soon. Theyre fun but I can deal without for a few years. =)

PS: Ill have pictures up tomorrow of us swimming and having fun at the pool! =)

1 comment:

  1. i'm glad it was a good day! also glad it has woken you up to the reality of having a couple of kids, so you will do college and get a career before you have family!! i love you!
