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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Having a hard time.

Well, I am now 35 weeks and 3 days pregnant. Bentley is moving NON stop and I swear he's going to burst my bladder! I love feeling him move though. :) This pregnancy has been pretty hard. People say "enjoy it while you can" and I've been trying to but its been way harder than I thought. Now that all the headaches are gone I have horrible heartburn. I've been eating Tums like candy! But that's the least of my worries. at 29 weeks I developed what I hate to call PUPPPs or Pruritic Urticarial Papules and Plaques of Pregnancy. Basically, its a rash developed during pregnancy that is worse than poison ivy or the chickenpox and if you itch it, it spreads over your ENTIRE body! Luckily, Ive never itched it but then again Im not so lucky for that because its horrible and will not go away until Bentley is born! It keeps me up at night or if I have already fallen asleep it will wake me up! its horrible, but Im sticking it out for Bentley and NOT getting induced!

Anyways, I've also had another big problem this whole pregnancy. It seems like my decisions for MY son (which people don't seem to understand whose son he actually is..) have been judged and knocked down. I'm not going to mention any names, but every decision I've made or am going to make for him has been shot down and I've been called selfish for them all. At one point, it seemed like nothing I had planned for MY son was right and I was going to be SUCH a horrible parent. I was very depressed and upset about this through most of my pregnancy. I mean, how are you suppose to enjoy something when you're being called selfish and a horrible parent? It seemed almost impossible.

The sad part is that Ive had to let some relationships go because of some of their comments that just wouldnt go away and its really heartbreaking! I am a person who has a very hard time letting go of people and relationships, especially ones that have been there for such a long time! But I know God has a plan for me and my life and that letting those relationships go was just a small part of that plan.

Now, I am happy to say that things are looking up at Ive realized that there are SO many different parenting styles and NONE of them are wrong! Unless of course you're beating your child or causing them harm. Bentley will most definitely receive PLENTY of attention and love and will be cared for in the best way that I know how. I have learned that if you dwell on the negative comments that you will get no where and they will only make you angry. I have also learned that you just need to sit back, breathe and pray about it when someone tells you these mean or rude comments. praying can pretty much cure ANYTHING, even though some things take longer than others. I've learned to be patient and to say thank you to those who give their unwanted opinions and just let it go. Take the advice that is useful and put it to use, and discard all the other advice, no need to be upset about it :) 

I know that God is there for me and most of my family is too. I can get through the hard times with them. I have to say that my mom is a big part of this thinking. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in October of 2011 and it was very devastating. ever since then, she has gone through a serious of trials and tribulations and she has gotten through all of them with her head held high, knowing Jesus will take care of her. Shes had a smile on her face pretty much this whole time, even when not feeling well, she always has something positive to say. I know that I can learn from my mom and know that if I just trust in God and the power of prayer, I will get through all of the hard times in my life. The comments and remarks that Ive received are so small and I've learned to take what I can use and politely decline the others. 

Thank you mom, you're such an amazing person. Thank you for being there for me through everything! I love you and you're such a great role model! I know you will always be there for me and Bentley whenever we need anything and I am so thankful for that! I am so thankful to have you as my mom! <3