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Thursday, November 10, 2011

What I'm thankful for.

So, since Thanksgiving is right around the corner, I thought it would be a good time for a blog!

What am I thankful for? Here are just a few things:

First and foremost, I am thankful for my Lord and Savior! He has been so good to me and my family and I know He is always there to talk to. He has provided us with everything we need and more. I don't think I would be where I am today without believing in Him through the good times and the bad. He brought me my wonderful husband, my little baby boy, my family and my friends. He has made my life what it is today and I am so thankful that He is always there. I am lucky to know Him and have such a strong relationship with Him. I know that it gets stronger everyday. I am also lucky and thankful to know that He loves me SO very much, even more than I can and will ever understand. :)

Second I am thankful for my wonderful husband. He is truly amazing! He works so hard which allows me to stay home and not have to work. He is always there for me, through thick and thin and always says I love you even if were arguing. He is a man of God. He is faithful and will always be faithful to God and his marriage. He is going to be a wonderful daddy and I cannot wait to see him with Bentley. I am thankful that he loves me so much and shows it everyday. I know that he will always be there for me through thick and thin, and just like our vows said, "To have and to hold from this day (November 20th 2010) forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, to love and to cherish, as long as we both shall live." I know that he honors these vows and always will and I am so very thankful to have him as my wonderful, Godly, caring, sweet and faithful husband! 

Third I would have to say my son, Bentley. Even though he is not born yet, I love him so much. Feeling his little kicks make me so happy. My hopes for him in the future are that he will be just like his daddy.  That he will love God and strive to be like him. That he will love and cherish his future wife. That he will always follow his heart and be a loving and kind little boy. I pray daily that he will be a man of God and as he gets older that he will see the importance of a strong relationship with the Lord. I pray that Neil and I will be great examples for him to do so. I am so thankful for this little boy and cant wait until he is born. 

Next is my family. I know I listed a few family members already but I have more family to list! I am so lucky to have a family like mine. They're all so loving, kind, caring and most importantly, Godly. They all have a heart after their Lord and Savior and it just amazes me. I have learned so much from them and am still learning. I am thankful for ALL of my family, but I have to list a few more.

I have to mention my mom specifically. She is the best mom I could ever have. She is so Godly and I am still learning how to love the Lord as much as she does! She is an amazing woman and I know she is always there for me. If I have a problem I know I can call her anytime and she will help me through it. She is also so caring about others and always wants to help in any way she can. I love that about her. She loves to give as much as she can and thinks of herself last and others first. Shes kind to everyone, but firm when she needs to be so she doesn't get trampled on! I am learning how to be like her in that way also! My mom is so much more than I have just described, but those are just a few things I love about her. I wouldn't be who I am today without her. I am very thankful for my mom!

So I'm going to still be stuck on family, but I have to include my Uncle Ron and Aunt Alecia. They are amazing people as well. They both have done soooo much for me I just cant think of any way to ever repay them. They are such giving people and Godly people as well. They do so much for everyone and also think of others first and themselves last. I just have to say, my wedding would not have been anything without them. They helped out so much! I know they love me and are like my second parents. I can call them in a time of need and know they are always there for me! They love their family and love God so much. I honestly don't know where Id be without them. I love them both so much and am so thankful they are in my life!

Ok next are my friends. My friends are amazing. I know that they will always be there for me whenever I need them. I have been through a lot with them and love them all so much! We have had crazy times together but are always there for each other. I am so thankful to have such great friends! I have to mention my best friend Elise. She is an awesome best friend. She always makes me laugh and knows how to cheer me up! Shes there for me whenever and through thick and thin. She knows everything about me and loves to help when she can! If Im having a bad day she knows how to make me laugh and for get about it. I dont know where Id be without her. She is so sweet, caring, kind and is has grown into such a Godly person. She is always happy and looks at the glass half full which I sometimes forget to do. and soon we will be MARRIED best friends!! I just have to say congrats to Jack and Elise on their engagement!! :) I am also thankful for Jack. I am so happy that Elise has found her soul mate and that he is also a very Godly person. He makes her so happy and I couldnt be happier for them. I love them both!

I am also very thankful for my new apartment! Well, I am thankful for any roof over my head which God has always provided for my family. Our new apartment is so perfect for us and we love it! I am so glad we have a nice place to live and enough food to eat every day.

I think the last thing I am thankful for is my amazing life. I wouldn't ask for a better one. I have an amazing God, a sweet and caring husband, a loving family, great friends, and a nice place to live. What else could I possibly ask for? My life is amazing and I wouldn't change it for anything.

P.S. The last last thing I'm thankful for is holidays with family and outdoor movie night at my aunt and uncles! :) I just had to add that.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! :)